Demoneire (Mod) is an free Template Game from the Construct 3 game engine.

I don't own this game. I just modded and added many features and designs.

If you're facing bad FPS issues, check the "Hardware acelleration" in your browsers configuration tab and enable it.

Also playing in fullscreen can make FPS drops depending of your PC.


I loved this game so much, that I decided to give an upgrade and I modified many features of the original version like the ones bellow:

- Level Up and Skill Tree Upgrade systems.
- Added 2 unique levels and 3 new safe rooms.
- Added more enemys and traps in all levels.
- Changed the Itens value and bonus in the shop
- Loop system when finish the game, adding more difficult and mantaining some bonus 

I taked 5 days to finish all this. Seems few modifications, but I was an hard learning and also a good challange of skill and programim logic. 

Hope you like it, any questions, just write in the comments!

(PS.: I don't plan to make more updates, unless the game get more famous)

Development log


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I love it! It´s so mew mew :3

(1 edit) (+1)

If you're facing bad FPS issues, check the "Hardware acelleration" in your browsers configuration tab and enable it.
Also playing in fullscreen can make FPS drops depending of your PC.